Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Wow i actually couldn't get a picture of the film box art.

Plot:During their nightly poker game, a group of lowlife friends bring up a string of recent brutal murders at gas stations. The group gets locked in at a gas station one of them owns after the keys get lost, the group talks about collecting the bounty placed on the killer's head. But as the night wears on, the group's number falls as the killer stalks them one by one. (taken from wikipedia)

Does it work? Ehhhhhhhh........well, this is by far one of the most character driven horror films i have ever seen. That being said, it is a little too character driven, and too little centered on the horror. It just isn't scary or unnerving.Does that mean its a bad movie. No, it is simply just a mediocre film. It does have some great -albeit cliche- characters. You have the Lovable loser, the "attractive" girl, the douchey boss of the loser, the drug addict friend/relative, a a larger phone sex operator(i kid you not), and the lovable delivery guy (played by steve Guttenberg). The characters all interact very well with each other, and are decently acted. The film also has its share of dark humor. So its a slasher and on everyone's mind is how is the gore? is fairly tame compared to the likes of Hostel,Texas Chainsaw masscre or any saw film. Its fairly tame compared to alot of films, the violence is very cut away and very restrained. So all in all, Cornered! is a film that is pretty well stuck at a bit under average or average. I'll recommend it if you can borrow it or you really need a slasher fix and you aren't near Scream,TCM, or Friday the 13th

Overall: 4.5/10 : A meh film but not quite horrific

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