Sunday, March 27, 2011

A roman centurian epic of a "meh" caliber

Story: A splinter group of Roman soldiers fight for their lives behind enemy lines after their legion is decimated in a devastating guerrilla attack.*taken from Imdb*

Ok so thats all that Imdb gave me for a story.....There is actually more to it than that, not much but still more.

Verdict: Okay so lets say this, it had some great cinematography, and a lot of blood.

Now the bad,
theres a bit to say, there are a few plot lines that go no where. The main character gets captured and gets loose, and thats about it. It kinda gets forgotten, at first you think its gonna be a "Avatar-ish" plot-line, where the hero learns the value of hard work, and family. Nope, he just gets loose and runs. Thats where that plot ends. Okay next, CG blood, and a lot of it. I wish they would have gone with practical effects. The sword hits throw cg blood into the air with a carefree nature. It was almost like they where saying "hey look fake blood" Yeah thats a pretty small complaint. Its worst crime, the overall blandness of this film. Whether or not you can handle the plot line that ends out of nowhere, or the fake blood. It just isn't a very interesting film, There are some interesting characters, that die within a half an hour. The main character just isn't one you care about. It tries to be interesting by making the romans the bad guys so you wanna not root for them. To bad, Avatar, The Last Samurai, and Dances with wolves did that but also added character development. Thats what Centurion is missing development. I mean yeah, there is some near the end but not enough to salvage it. From drowning in blandness.

Overall: 5/10 It just is so "meh"

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